You're Hired: Job Search Strategies That Work

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You're Hired: Job Search Strategies That Work

About Course


This course provides proven strategies to search for and land your dream job.




About the Class

Looking for work? Having difficulty in landing your dream job or any job? Don't know how to do it? Searching for and landing a job can be a stressful, demoralizing experience, especially, if you don't know how to do it properly. The 'old ways' of finding a job often don't work anymore.

You're Hired. Job search strategies that work, put you to work in learning how to use 'best practices' to land your 'dream' job. This instructor-led, easy-to-learn program systematically provides strategic tactics to maximize your job searching effectiveness.

Did you know there is a psychology behind the process of job searching? This course will help you understand the psychology of job-searching and sets you up for envisioning your success. It is often said that “resumes are your ticket to job searching success.” Resumes are still the not so secret weapon to landing a job.

You won’t win a lottery if you don’t have a ticket and you are unlikely to be invited for a job interview if you don’t have a dynamic, effective resume that features you as the solution to a problem. Your resume is your ticket that leads to being invited for an interview where you can expand upon your value. An effective, eye-catching resume will get you an interview. We show you how to craft and fine-tune a magnetic resume that will attract an employer’s attention.

Are you networking?

Many job search industry professionals say that networking is the single most effective strategy for landing your next job. You may think you don’t know anyone who can help you with your job search. But you know more people than you think, and they are willing to help you. However, you need to reach out and connect with them first.

“It’s not who you know. it’s who knows you know…” Job search strategies help you build upon your existing network of contacts and take it to the next level, an opportunity-creating machine. References Do you have your professional and personal references in place? Are they primed to be your personal cheerleaders? No? Well, they should be. Job search strategies provide you with proven tactics to leverage your references to help nail the job for you. Job Interviewing While looking for a new job and going through hiring interviews can be exciting for some people, for many of us it can be a stressful experience. Is the thought of a job interview keeping you awake at night? Job search strategies systematically build your skills to excel at interview questions and help you sleep at night.

From our experience, one of the biggest problems job seekers often face is they feel they are coming from an inferior position and they don't have a lot of personal power.The belief being that the employer has a superior position and has all the power. Sound familiar? Yes, they have the job and they have the power to give you the job or not.

What you may not realize is many hiring managers are under similar pressures as you, the job seeker. They are accountable to their superiors should the person they hire not work out. They have the pressure of finding the right candidate for the vacancy they need to fill.

Job search strategies level the playing field between you and the employer. Your task is to become the only choice. The right choice.



Course content

videoWelcome and Overview of the Course Start
videoYou're Hired Now: Job Search Strategies That Work Promo Video Start
videoLesson One: Key Points and Action Items Start
videoOverview of Topics and Content Start
videoIntroducing the PDCA Model Start
videoIntroducing the PDCA Model: Lesson Key Points Start
videoThe Psychology of Job Searching Start
videoThe Psychology of Job Searching: Lesson Key Points Start
videoEnvisioning Your Success Start
videoEnvisioning Your Success: Lesson Key Points Start
videoResumes Your Ticket to Job Searching Success Start
videoResumes Overview Start
videoResumes Overview: Lesson Key Points Start
videoGrammar and Spelling/Formatting Start
videoGrammar and Spelling/Formatting: Key Points Start
videoContact Information Start
videoContact Information: Lesson Key Points Start
videoObjective Statement: In or Out? Start
videoObjective Statement - In or Out: Lesson Key Points Start
videoCover Letters Start
videoCover Letters: Lesson Key Points Start
videoExperience Section - Skills and Accomplishments Start
videoExperience Section - Skills and Accomplishments: Lesson Key Points Start
videoEducation Start
videoEducation: Lesson Key Points Start
videoUsing Keywords in Your Resumé Start
videoUsing Key Words in Your Resume: Lesson Key Points Start
videoMarketing Your Transferable Skills Start
videoMarketing Your Transferable Skills: Lesson Key Points Start
videoUsing Action-Oriented Words Start
videoUsing Action Oriented Words: Lesson Key Points Start
videoReferences Introduction Start
videoReferences Introduction: Lesson Key Points Start
videoBranding Your Resumé Start
videoBranding Your Resume: Lesson Key Points Start
videoDeveloping You USP Handout Start
videoLeveraging Your Digital Footprint/Using Social Media Start
videoLeveraging Your Digital Footprint/Using Social Media: Lesson Key Points Start
videoCV to Resumé Start
videoCreating and Leveraging Your Network Web Start
videoIntroduction to Your Network Web Start
videoYour Network Web: Action Items Start
videoIntroduction to Your Network Web: Lesson Key Points Start
videoLeveraging Your Connections Start
videoLeveraging Your Connections: Lesson Key Points Start
videoTips for Strengthening Your Job Search Network Start
videoTips For Strengthening Your Job Search Network: Lesson Key Points Start
videoDress for Success Start
videoDress For Success: Lesson Key Points Start
videoBusiness Card Presentation and Etiquette Start
videoBusiness Card Presentation & Etiquette: Lesson Key Points Start
videoWhole Lotta Shaking Going On Start
videoWhole Lotta Shaking Going On: Lesson Key Points Start
videoFollow-up Is Everything Start
videoFollow Up is Everything: Lesson Key Points Start
videoTop 15 Networking No-Nos Start
videoLinkedin Revisited Start
videoLinkedin Revisited: Lesson Key Points Start
videoLesson #4: Job-Search – Reference Strategies Start
videoMaximizing Your References Start
videoMaximizing Your References: Lesson Key Points Start
videoMatch Your References to the Target Job Start
videoMatch Your References to the Target Job: Lesson Key Points Start
videoProfessional Reference Questions List Start
videoThe Professional Reference Questions List Handout Start
videoPersonal Reference Questions List Start
videoThe Personal Reference Questions List Handout Start
videoGo on The Offence Start
videoGo On The Offence: Lesson Key Points Start
videoThe Initial Phone Call Start
videoThe Initial Phone Call Action Items Start
videoThe Initial Phone Call Start
videoThe Initial Phone Call: Lesson Key Points Start
videoThe First Interview Start
videoThe First Interview Action Items Start
videoIntroduction to the First Interview Start
videoIntroduction to the First Interview: Lesson Key Points Start
videoOrganizing Your Presentation Start
videoOrganizing Your Presentation: Lesson Key Points Start
videoYou've Got an Interview - Now What? Start
videoYou've Got an Interview. Now What? Lesson Key Points Start
videoJob Interview Dos Start
videoInterview Don’ts Start
videoFour Basic Interviewer Personality Types Start
videoInterviewer Personality Types Action Items Start
videoOverview and Self-Contained and Direct Personality Start
videoOverview and Self-Contained and Direct Personality: Lesson Key Points Start
videoType 2 Are Self Contained and Direct Start
videoType 2 Are Self Contained and Direct: Lesson Key Points Start
videoType 3 Are Self Contained and Indirect Start
videoType 3 Are Self Contained and Indirect: Lesson Key Points Start
videoType 4 Are Outgoing and Indirect Start
videoType 4 Are Outgoing and Indirect: Lesson Key Points Start
videoCommon Interview Questions Start
videoCommon Interview Questions Action Items Start
videoCommon Interview Questions: Overview and Educational Questions Start
videoCommon Interview Questions: Overview and Educational Questions: Lesson Key Points Start
videoWork Experience Questions Start
videoResume Related Interview Questions Start
videoQuestions to Assess Your Analytic Skills Start
videoCommunication Skills Assessment Questions Start
videoDecision Making Process Questions Start
videoWhat Would Others Say About You Interview Questions Start
videoStrengths vs Weaknesses Interview Questions Start
videoSupervisor Role Specific Questions Start
videoPersonal ‘Get to Know You’ Type Interview Questions Start
videoBe a Star Start
videoBe a Star: Lesson Key Points Start
videoIllegal Interview Questions Start
videoQuestions to Ask an Interviewer Start
videoQuestions to Ask an Interviewer Action Items Start
videoOverview and Sample Questions Start
videoUsing “Tie Down” Techniques to Move the Interview Along Start
videoUsing “Tie Down” Techniques to Move the Interview Along: Lesson Key Points Start
videoQuestions to Ask An Interviewer Handout Start
videoTie Down Techniques to Move an Interview Along Handout Start
videoCommon Job Searching Mistakes and Prevention Start
videoCommon Job Searching Mistakes and Prevention Action Items Start
videoCommon Job Searching Mistakes and Prevention Start
videoob Search - Interview Mistakes and How to Correct Them: Lesson Key Points Start
videoJob Search - Interview Mistakes and How to Correct Them Handout Start
videoThe Follow-up Phone Call Start
videoThe Follow-up Phone Call Action Items Start
videoMaking the Follow-up Phone Call Start
videoWorking With Staffing Agencies and Recruiters Start
videoWorking with Staffing Agencies and Recruiters Action Items Start
videoWorking with Staffing Agencies and Recruiters: Overview Start
videoWhat Kinds of Jobs Do Staffing Agencies Offer? Start
videoWhat Kinds of Jobs Do Staffing Agencies Offer? Lesson Key Points Start
videoWorking with Job Recruiters Start
videoWorking with Job Recruiters: Lesson Key Points Start
videoEmployment/Temp Agency’s Employment Contract Handout Start
videoJob Searching Tips from the Pros Start
videoJob Searching Tips from the Pros Action Items Start
videoJob Searching Tips from the Pros Start
videoPersonal Marketing and Promotion Start
videoPersonal Marketing & Promotion Action Items Start
videoBranding Overview and Self-Promotion Start
videoBranding Overview and Self-Promotion: Lesson Key Points Start
videoFinal Thoughts Start
Rae Stonehouse

Rae Stonehouse

Retired Nurse - Book Publishing/Marketing Consultant

Course Instructor

Introducing Rae A. Stonehouse: Renowned Author, Inspirational Speaker, and Esteemed Self-Publishing Consultant. With a rich career spanning over four decades in psychiatric and mental health nursing, Rae brings a wealth of compassionate insights and profound wisdom to both his writing and speaking engagements.

As a distinguished member of Toastmasters International for over 29 years, Rae has honed his communication skills and self-confidence, enabling him to impart valuable personal development insights. His unique style combines conversational ease with direct engagement, making his books and presentations not only informative but also deeply relatable.

Rae’s approach is marked by a blend of wry humor and sage advice, drawing from a lifetime of experiences in nursing and a commitment to continuous personal growth. Although retired from his nursing career, he continues to thrive in his roles as a writer, speaker, and mentor, empowering others to realize their full potential.

Beyond his professional pursuits, he has been productive as a do-it-yourselfer in renovating three older homes, one being a heritage home. As a legal boarding home, it had the reputation of being a brothel and illicit drug distribution center at a point in time. He also worked with building contractors to create three new homes and doing all the interior decorating and exterior landscaping himself with the help of his wife Sandra.

Backyard gardens of Rae A. StonehouseRae is an avid gardener, cultivating a lush array of flowers, shrubs, and vegetables.

Residing in the picturesque Kelowna, British Columbia, Rae shares his life with his wife Sandra, a fellow retired nurse, their son Jeffrey, daughter-in-law Jennifer, and the joy of his life, granddaughter Maybelle. His journey is a testament to the power of lifelong learning and the pursuit of excellence in every endeavor.